Provitale Health

Psoriasis Causes and Homeopathy Cure


Little is known regarding the cause of psoriasis. Several theories were put forth, of which only auto-immune system derangement as the cause of psoriasis is still accepted. Auto-immune disorders are a few hundred in number and manifest in any age group and race. Homoeopathy treatment is effective in this chronic ailment which is more of a systemic disease than just skin lesions.

Aetiology of psoriasis

The immune system is the protective shield of the body against any foreign invaders like bacteria, viruses, etc. However, the immune system which is supposed to fight foreign bodies, for idiopathic reasons, targets the host system resulting in autoimmune disorders. If it targets the skin then it culminates in Psoriasis which results in skin cells multiplying up to 10 times faster, unlike the normal growth rate. The cause of psoriasis isn’t fully understood. It’s thought to be some immune system problem where infection-fighting cells attack the healthy skin cells of the host by mistake. Researchers believe that both DNA and triggers like environmental factors play a role. The condition is however not contagious.

Of the many types of psoriasis, plaque psoriasis was common in which the rapid turnover of cells results in dry, scaly patches and is easy in diagnosing.

Psoriasis triggers

Some people who are susceptible to psoriasis are practically free of symptoms for years together until the disease is triggered by some environmental factor. Common psoriasis triggers include:

  • Weather, especially cold, dry conditions
  • Injury to the skin
  • Infections especially of throat involving streptococcus
  • Smoking and exposure to smoke
  • Heavy alcohol consumption
  • Certain medications
  • Rapid withdrawal of oral or injected corticosteroids

Risk factors

Anyone can develop psoriasis. One in three psoriases begins in childhood. However, certain factors can multiply your risk of developing the disease:

  • Family history. The condition runs in families and sometimes it happens in members of the same family. Though the exact cause of Psoriasis is not known, it is attributed to multiple factors. Since it is seen running in families, genetic predisposition cannot be ruled out.
  • Smoking tobacco is another risk factor. Smoking not only increases the risk of psoriasis but the severity of the disease as well.

How homeopathy can cure psoriasis?

Homoeopathic treatments are derived from minerals, plants, chemicals, and human and animal secretions and excretions, such as snake venom. They’re used as tinctures, or orally.

Homoeopathic medicine is based on two theories. The first is “like cures like,” This means that if a substance is capable of causing symptoms similar to a disease in a healthy individual, that disease can be cured by the same substance. The second is the “law of minimum dose,” which means that a substance will be more effective in lower doses. Homoeopathy medicines stimulate the body’s natural mechanism of fighting the illness. The root cause is addressed and the deviated immunity is restored.

Some of the homoeopathic medicines commonly used in psoriasis are Arsenicum album, Graphites, Sulfur, Petroleum etc. Every medicine is not common for a common ailment. At Provitale health homoeopathy, the patient case history is taken in depth to provide you with medicine suiting that particular type of psoriasis which you suffer from.


Causes of psoriasis can be due to multiple factors with immunity-distorted function as the primary cause. Psoriasis can be triggered by different factors and there are also some risk factors. Once psoriasis is identified, homoeopathic treatment is to be initiated as a first choice. At Provitale popular for treating chronic ailments, you get the best homoeopathy Doctor in Bangalore.

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