Alopecia Causes And Cure

Alopecia causes and cure

Simply put, alopecia is hair loss. If you have alopecia, you may notice extra hair on your pillows or in your shower drains, as well as bald patches on your scalp. Depending on the cause, hair loss can grow back or fall out permanently over time. Alopecia is not curable, but it is treatable and not fatal. Homoeopathic treatment for hair loss from Provital Health is available which is safe and free from side effects.


Though a single factor for hair loss is not the one which is triggering hair fall, probable causes have been attributed to the following.

  • Genes & hormones
  • Stress
  • Nutrition
  • Thyroid issues

Let us understand how each of these can cause alopecia.

Genes & Hormones

The most common type of alopecia is androgenic alopecia, also known as male-pattern baldness or female-pattern baldness. It causes balding and a receding hairline in men, and general hair thinning or a widening of the part in women. Androgenic alopecia is both genetic and hormonal.

DHT is a hormone that is derived from testosterone, the male sex hormone. DHT weakens hair follicles by binding to testosterone. Women have testosterone as well. DHT can cause androgenic alopecia in women when testosterone and oestrogen, – the female sex hormone, are out of balance. This can occur before menopause or as a result of other hormonal conditions.

Some women suffer from polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), a condition in which they produce so much oestrogen that some of it is converted to progesterone.

Thus, in some cases, it may also be genetic. A proper differential diagnosis is needed before treatment starting treatment. The best homoeopathic doctor at Provitale Health being a cosmetologist too is highly experienced to treat alopecia of different aetiology.


Telogen effluvium is a type of alopecia in which the hair sheds excessively. Hair loss can occur suddenly or gradually. Telogen effluvium can be caused by a variety of factors, including stress, medications, dietary changes, childbirth, lifestyle changes etc.

Women are more likely than men to have telogen effluvium. According to a 2019 study published in the journal Clinical, Cosmetic, and Investigational Dermatology, men may not notice telogen effluvium due to shorter haircuts or a lack of attention to hair.

For some women, this hair loss conceals underlying female-pattern hair loss, and the hair may never be as thick as it once was. If you are otherwise healthy, treatment is mostly a waiting game.


Alopecia may be caused by certain deficiencies, such as a lack of iron or vitamin D nutrients.

Consult at Provitale health to address these issues so that your hair has the best chance of growing back. Create a healthy eating plan that includes vitamins and nutrients derived from food, as well as adequate protein.

Thyroid Issues

The thyroid is a gland in the neck that regulates metabolism-related hormones. Alopecia can be caused by both underactive and overactive thyroid. If your hair loss is accompanied by weight changes, high or low energy levels, or menstruation changes, consult your doctor about a thyroid test.


Alopecia is seen in both males & females. There are a couple of reasons why hair loss occurs. The root cause of hair fall needs to be precisely diagnosed. As treating an ailment shouldn’t be fuel to the other, medicine with a proven safety profile like that from Provitale Health Homeopathy is recommended.