Immune System


The immune system is like a fort to protect the body against foreign invaders like fungi or parasites, bacteria, viruses etc. Inimical entities are also being created from within, auto-immune disorders A weakened immune system makes Childrens  to virtually every type of illness.It’s vital to get the newborns build a strong immune system before they are exposed to cold viruses. A virus that is capable of mild illness in an older child or an adult can cause a more serious illness in a newborn. Homeopathy is another way by which you can boost the immune system of a baby. An infant who falls ill repeatedly can benefit from homeopathy as it will build the child’s resistance and his immunity becomes better.

Why Homeopathy to boost your immunity?

  • Unlike antibiotics homeopathy does not ‘neutralize’ an infection , instead it strengthens the body’s immune system to fight disease or infection.
  • The modern system of homeopathy looks towards systemic detoxification that causes weakening of defense mechanisms. 
  • Homeopathy is more palatable than many conventional medicines since the mildly sweet pills, powders or liquids are easy to dispense and consume.
  • Homeopathy is effective on any problem associated with a compromised immune system or lowered immune response.
  • Patient on Homeopathy regains appetite after few days thus helping the patient gain weight.
  • Homeopathy helps control opportunistic infections associated with a compromised immune system.
  • Homeopathy decreases the viral load after a few months of regular consumption.
  • Homeopathy is well tolerated in patients of all age groups and has been used by thousands of patients in several countries with no adverse effects reported.

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