How does Homeopathy Work

Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician who developed a homeopathic system of medicine, believed in the natural law of healing — “likes are cured by like” If a drug (usually a derivative of plant, animal, or mineral) when given to a healthy person, can cause the symptom of a disease, then these diseases could be treated by drugs, but only if a very small dose. Usage of extremely minute diluted amounts of these drugs can help the body repair itself by promoting healing.

Popular the world over, homeopathy is known for its safety. Dr. Hahnemann realized that if something in its natural form can cause a specific symptom if you take that substance and dilute it, the diluted medicine can treat these symptoms. The product is then “potentiated,” and its properties are activated; the mixture is diluted with more water or alcohol repeatedly until the desired potency is reached.

How potency is achieved in homeopathic formulations?

The potency or strength of a homeopathic remedy can range from 30c to 200c which is that one part of the tincture, (the extract of the ingredient) is mixed with 99 parts water or alcohol as the case may be. This process is repeated 30 times and 200 times respectively. At this high level of dilution, none of the initial raw materials are likely to remain in the final tincture. Some homeopaths propose that homeopathic remedies work as nanomedicine believed to be the original ingredient which was broken down through potentization into nanoparticles, even though the levels are below the levels of detection.

Some health food stores and some pharmacies sell homeopathic remedies for a variety of problems. The OTC status of these medicines is because of their negligible toxicity. It is interesting to note that Homeopathic remedies which are widely used for minor conditions like headaches, coughs and sore throat, etc., are deemed safe enough to be taken over-the-counter (OTC) by the FDA. These types of treatments can be found along with other over-the-counter drugs in these mentioned stores.

However, for chronic and severe acute conditions which require immediate care similar to any life-threatening conditions, homeopathy should only be used under the care of a homeopathic practitioner who is working with the patient’s allopathic physician. Although the remedies are a negligibly small percentage, some cannot be sold without the prescription of a licensed homeopathic prescriber.

Store homeopathic medicines in your purse if traveling, or in your drawer at the office, but ensure to keep them away from sunlight.

Homeopathic science had been in practice for over two centuries for treating a variety of diseases. Homeopathy medicines are very safe and no sides are seen, unlike conventional drugs. This advantage of Homeopathic medicines makes them suitable for all age groups. Some chronic ailments require long-term treatment and some drugs are for a lifetime. In such cases, with Allopathic drug usage, side effects are seen. Homeopathic drugs are thus useful in chronic diseases also as even if they are taken life long, side-effects are nil. In some instances, Homeo medicines are seen to reduce your Allopathic drug dose or even stop altogether.

If you are looking for the best homeopathy doctor / the best lady homeopathy doctor, Provital Health Homeopathy keeps you abreast with the changing technology in homeopathy both in diagnosis and treatment.

For more details please get in touch with us:

#16, Dishan 1 six, Mezzanine floor, Jayanagar 3rd block, Bangalore – 560011

+91 95357 05088

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