Psoriasis is An Autoimmune Disorder or Genetic Disorder

Psoriasis is An Autoimmune Disorder or Genetic Disorder

Psoriasis is manifested as a skin disease affecting any race. Its prevalence among our population is about 2-3%. Psoriasis can affect all age groups and sex, but it is slightly higher in females than males.

Having said that, is there any cure for this chronic disease – Psoriasis? The answer is yes; that is the case with any disorder at Provitale Health where you get the best homoeopathy doctors. Depending on the degree of response to treatment the duration varies.

When the immune system which is supposed to fight foreign bodies, for unknown reasons, functions against the host System resulting in autoimmune disorders. If it targets the skin, the tissue which is affected mostly, leads to Psoriasis which causes skin cells to multiply up to 10 times faster than normal growth. Due to this nature, the skin look a little elevated with red patches that are covered with white scales that shroud off when rubbed. Thus, psoriasis is developed due to an altered immune system that by mistake attacks its own body’s tissues. Since it is seen running in families, genetic involvement cannot be ruled out. But, only risk probability is possible to quote, because for many generations together this disorder is not seen. Common area that can manifest psoriatic skin is scalp, flexures of the limbs, and lower back though, it can develop in any area of the body. Though the exact cause of Psoriasis is not known, it is attributed to a combination of factors including genes (as it is found among blood relatives) which get triggered resulting in immune derangement. It is thought that psoriasis is a complex disease which can occur in individuals (non-contagious), who not only have a genetic predisposition for the condition but who have also encountered an environmental trigger such as infection and stress. Even strep throat can sometimes trigger psoriasis.


The symptoms of psoriasis differ with the type of psoriasis you are suffering from. Some common symptoms of plaque psoriasis — the most common variety among the various types of the condition — include:

Psoriasis Plaques of red skin, usually covered with silver-coloured scales which may be itchy and painful, and when scratched, they sometimes crack and even bleed. Depending on the intensity, the plaques will grow and merge, covering large skin areas, if not treated.

Disorders of the fingernails and toenails are also not uncommon, including discolouration and pitting of the nails that can eventually crumble or detach from the underlying nail bed.

Scalp psoriasis is with Plaques of scales or crust with itching.

Around 10-30% of people with psoriasis can develop psoriatic arthritis a type of arthritis that causes pain and swelling in the joints, especially the small joints.


No one knows the aetiology of psoriasis, but experts believe that it’s not limited to one factor, there is a combination of things. Any abnormality in the immune system causes inflammation, skin cells multiply at a rapid pace. Skin cells are replaced every 10 to 30 days without us noticing. However, with psoriasis, the growth of cells in the Skin is much shorter – every 3 to 4 days. When old cells are replaced by new ones the older cells create those silver scales with dead cells.

Psoriasis tends to run in the genetic material, but it may skip generations ie dormant.


Treatment is aimed at reducing the growth of new skin cells or relieving itching and dry skin. Based on the size of your rash, where it is on your body, your age, your overall health, and other things, your doctor will select a treatment plan that is right for you.


Psoriasis, a skin disorder can manifest at any age. There are multiple factors triggering genes that are other-wise dormant. Some abnormality in genes turns the immune cells to act against the host resulting in Psoriasis. Due this nature, psoriasis is a genetic autoimmune disorder. There is safe treatment at Provitale Health which is effective and free from side-effects.