
Vitiligo is an autoimmune disorder and its manifestation is characterized by discolouration or depigmentation of the skin and is not limited to any particular race. The melanocytes in the epidermis progressively destruct leading to patches of white skin. These cells contain melanin the colouring agent of the skin. Although vitiligo is not a painful condition, there is a lot of stigma attached due to the weird looks. This in turn adversely affects the quality of life of the person suffering from the disease and the patients often suffer from emotional distress and low self-esteem. They are at times subjected to social neglect, which in turn makes them move away from the main path. Half-filled scientific knowledge and baseless misconceptions are the key reasons for this undue apprehension. Proper diagnosis and treatment can set right the deranged immune system. The best homoeopathy doctor at Provitale Health, an expert in homoeopathy & aesthetics, popular in treating chronic ailments can treat vitiligo with excellent results. Cause The immune system which is designed to fight foreign bodies, like bacteria or viruses, etc for unknown reasons, targets the host System resulting in autoimmune disorders. There are over hundreds of such disorders. Vitiligo is common among auto-immune disorders. Vitiligo is seen as white patches on the skin. Patches are easily noticeable in people who have darker skin. Treatments for this condition overlap with other auto-immune ailments. When compared to other vitiligo treatments Myths & Facts Having given a brief outlook on vitiligo let us examine the facts behind this ailment with which you can burst myths surrounding vitiligo. There is a myth that the disease is contagious ie it can spread through contact with the affected person. However, Vitiligo is a self-limited ailment, which is non-contagious and does not spread by contact. There is no threat of contracting vitiligo by sharing the patient's personal items. Another myth is about eating habits. For instance, people used to attribute sour food, fish, white food, etc as the reason for vitiligo. However, this is not proven scientifically as there is no evidence to support this claim. On the contrary, people belonging to different religions, races, and socioeconomic groups with varying dietary habits hardly show any significant variation in their susceptibility towards the disease. Another disgusting myth that surrounds vitiligo is the belief of vitiligo and leprosy are the same. The tendency in Ayurveda was to use the suffix 'Kushta' for all skin diseases in Ayurveda. However, later it became synonymous with leprosy. A myth that vitiligo is caused by the curse of God or some bad deeds done in the past is totally baseless. It has been repeatedly proved that the disease is rather autoimmune in nature. Since pathophysiology is not known, the aetiology is not certain failing which several theories like genetic, neural, biochemical, autoimmune, autocytotoxic phenomenon and antioxidant deficiency theory have been out across. Stress, location of infection and impaired melanocyte migration to the skin, are also proven to contribute to the pathogenesis. The disease has a hereditary incidence ranging from 1.5 to 34%. It has been reported that vitiligo is associated with several other autoimmune disorders also. Although the course of the disease is unpredictable and uncertain, it generally shows a tendency towards slow progression. There is a myth that vitiligo is untreatable. In fact, Provitale Health, an expert in Homeopathy effectively treats vitiligo. The treatment is usually difficult and takes prolonged time; however, it is more important to treat the social stigma than the disease per se as the mental imbalance is far more traumatic than the effect on physical well-being. That's the advantage with us at Provitale Health, where you have the best Homeopathy Doctor to treat holistically. Now that you can leave the notion that vitiligo never heals. Conclusion Vitiligo, an autoimmune disorder, which is non-contagious is slowly progressive yet treatable. Several theories have been put forth so far, but the exact aetiology is not clear. Putting aside all the myths centred on vitiligo, Provitale Health has the best Medicines to treat it.

Facts and Myths on Vitiligo

Vitiligo is an autoimmune disorder and its manifestation is characterized by discolouration or depigmentation of the skin and is not limited to any particular race. The melanocytes in the epidermis

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